Who needs flowers when chickens are a girls (everyone’s) best friend!
The best and most rememberable Valentine’s Day gift ever! For any loved one your significant other, your children, your parents, your best friend or neighbors no one is limited from the awesome gift of love!
This year give 6 or 12 baby chicks to your loved one! What the perfect gift if little fluffy butts that later give you breakfast! EGGS!
These will be ‘straight run’ chicks (mix of boys and girls, no you can’t tell until they are about 3-4 months old, we will take back any all unwanted chickens for any reason see more later)
This kit you will receive you all that you need for the first month + of chick life, plus all the food, chick container, heat lamp, water and feed, container, bedding and food (see organic food options below at order) your choice of chicks plus an easy info guide that you can’t put a price tag too from one of your favorite local farmers! Lulu! And complete info access for any other questions.
Your chicks will range in feather colors and pattern and different egg colors. Your egg colors will range in beautiful shades of brown, some with spots and shades of blue and green eggs too! These chicks are considered Easter Eggers with the possibility of a few other breeds mixed in. How beautiful. Your chicks will grow and start laying eggs around 19-22 weeks old of age. Your chicks can live in the container in this kit for about a month. The larger kit size about 2 months. At about that time they can be moved to a larger chicken house of your choice. Your info kit will give you building ideas or a place to purchase your own coop.
So you say you are in an area that can’t have roosters? That’s ok. Once your chicks are a larger you can start to see the differences in the boys and girls and no they don’t crow for a long time. Once they get larger if you can’t tell we can help you sort that out. If you do not want the roosters just message us and we will adage for you to bring them and we will bring the roosters back to the farm for you no worries! Your chicks will be about 50/50 hens (girls) roosters (boys). Yep only the girls lay eggs. But now if I can keep a rooster why would I want one if they don’t give me eggs? We’ll roosters are the daddy of your chickens to be.. so if you ever want your chickens to have chicks they need a rooster. They fertilize the hens eggs (The meeting process isn’t exactly obvious for those who may be concerned he basically looks like he’s sitting on top of his hand and literally just takes a few seconds there’s nothing to see when he does too, yep more fun stuff that will be covered in your information package) But the rooster also is the protector of your flock if you have a predator he will generally attack the predator and or call the predator away from the hens so the hens can you have time to run away he will also help find snacks and treats if you let your hands run around your yard and call them over it’s fun to watch the different relationships as he lose his girls and loves and protects all of them. Can a rooster be rude yes but again we will cover all that in your chicken information and again at any point we will take back any of your unwanted chickens so if you decide to keep a fella and then you think he’s not working out no worries we can fix him and he can stay with the flock at the farm. We can also help you make the call later on.
Now the love of a chick/chicken is amazing! From adults to kids. And they are very easy to care for. And in no time your chicken pets will be giving you EGGS all of your own!
YES you can also add 1 dozen farm fresh eggs to this valentines kit too!
Orders must be in by Monday 1/23/23 to guarantee chicks. We are hatching chicks for this offer) please Inquire after Monday’s date for orders as we will try to hatch extras.
Chicks and kit can be picked up on 2/14/23 at our farms store at 4504 Socastee Blvd between 1-530pm
If you would like other dates you must request before ordering. No shipping. If do not pick up day of you will forfeit your chicks, kit and any moneys paid.
Order here on line or In shop in person cash 5% discount.
6 chicks and kit $160.00
6 chicks and kit with organic chick feed $180.00
Add on extra large chick container $30
12 chicks and kit with extra large chick container $220.00
12 chicks and kit with extra large chick container $240.00
1 dozen chicken eggs $6.75 or 3 dozen $19 (must order to guarantee for valentines pick up)
****There is NO refund once ordered. Any questions please come in person to shop to chat. There is NO shipping at all on chicks or kit. Again there is NO refund once this is placed.
The best and most rememberable Valentine’s Day gift ever! For any loved one your significant other, your children, your parents, your best friend or neighbors no one is limited from the awesome gift of love!
This year give 6 or 12 baby chicks to your loved one! What the perfect gift if little fluffy butts that later give you breakfast! EGGS!
These will be ‘straight run’ chicks (mix of boys and girls, no you can’t tell until they are about 3-4 months old, we will take back any all unwanted chickens for any reason see more later)
This kit you will receive you all that you need for the first month + of chick life, plus all the food, chick container, heat lamp, water and feed, container, bedding and food (see organic food options below at order) your choice of chicks plus an easy info guide that you can’t put a price tag too from one of your favorite local farmers! Lulu! And complete info access for any other questions.
Your chicks will range in feather colors and pattern and different egg colors. Your egg colors will range in beautiful shades of brown, some with spots and shades of blue and green eggs too! These chicks are considered Easter Eggers with the possibility of a few other breeds mixed in. How beautiful. Your chicks will grow and start laying eggs around 19-22 weeks old of age. Your chicks can live in the container in this kit for about a month. The larger kit size about 2 months. At about that time they can be moved to a larger chicken house of your choice. Your info kit will give you building ideas or a place to purchase your own coop.
So you say you are in an area that can’t have roosters? That’s ok. Once your chicks are a larger you can start to see the differences in the boys and girls and no they don’t crow for a long time. Once they get larger if you can’t tell we can help you sort that out. If you do not want the roosters just message us and we will adage for you to bring them and we will bring the roosters back to the farm for you no worries! Your chicks will be about 50/50 hens (girls) roosters (boys). Yep only the girls lay eggs. But now if I can keep a rooster why would I want one if they don’t give me eggs? We’ll roosters are the daddy of your chickens to be.. so if you ever want your chickens to have chicks they need a rooster. They fertilize the hens eggs (The meeting process isn’t exactly obvious for those who may be concerned he basically looks like he’s sitting on top of his hand and literally just takes a few seconds there’s nothing to see when he does too, yep more fun stuff that will be covered in your information package) But the rooster also is the protector of your flock if you have a predator he will generally attack the predator and or call the predator away from the hens so the hens can you have time to run away he will also help find snacks and treats if you let your hands run around your yard and call them over it’s fun to watch the different relationships as he lose his girls and loves and protects all of them. Can a rooster be rude yes but again we will cover all that in your chicken information and again at any point we will take back any of your unwanted chickens so if you decide to keep a fella and then you think he’s not working out no worries we can fix him and he can stay with the flock at the farm. We can also help you make the call later on.
Now the love of a chick/chicken is amazing! From adults to kids. And they are very easy to care for. And in no time your chicken pets will be giving you EGGS all of your own!
YES you can also add 1 dozen farm fresh eggs to this valentines kit too!
Orders must be in by Monday 1/23/23 to guarantee chicks. We are hatching chicks for this offer) please Inquire after Monday’s date for orders as we will try to hatch extras.
Chicks and kit can be picked up on 2/14/23 at our farms store at 4504 Socastee Blvd between 1-530pm
If you would like other dates you must request before ordering. No shipping. If do not pick up day of you will forfeit your chicks, kit and any moneys paid.
Order here on line or In shop in person cash 5% discount.
6 chicks and kit $160.00
6 chicks and kit with organic chick feed $180.00
Add on extra large chick container $30
12 chicks and kit with extra large chick container $220.00
12 chicks and kit with extra large chick container $240.00
1 dozen chicken eggs $6.75 or 3 dozen $19 (must order to guarantee for valentines pick up)
****There is NO refund once ordered. Any questions please come in person to shop to chat. There is NO shipping at all on chicks or kit. Again there is NO refund once this is placed.